Every place has a throbbing sensation. Every course has quite special ingredients. Every career is important. So drawing differences may not be a right track to opt for. There are various courses conducted online, no matter what the situation is. On the other hand, innumerable courses are in the queues which are conducted offline to benefit the students to a larger extent.
However, it is interesting that TEFL and TESOL are such stuff which is comfortable in offline and online modes as well. And this is really something which has waxed its popularity among the true aspirants. Their serpentine movement has reached far and wide to lay a strong foundation of career. But all privileges bring responsibilities. So it is always better than the best to contemplate twice before embarking on such an unconventional journey of honing language skills in the accepted sense of journey!
There is a saying that there is no short cut to success and triumph. The relevance has enhanced with the passage of time! Aplenty growth opportunities are offered on the successful completion of the courses. You can opt for a job with a handsome package in either a private or public school. Obtaining the position of a director in a reputed academic organization can be cup of choice. Besides, creating blogs, vlogs can make you financially independent! Having a sound knowledge of English Language will help you become efficient tour guides to earn and learn as well!
But nothing comes in free. The course fee is high. After all completing the courses and getting a certificate or a diploma or post graduate diploma matter much more than anything. It is appreciating to be 'adaptable' than 'compromising', believe it or not! The market is packed with courses but the 'choice' matters at every step. Your right choice will pave the path for the right decision for a better morrow! Frankly speaking the placement cell is active always to stand behind the successful candidates and help them carve a niche!
The world is pacing fast. Keep a track with it. Lost opportunities never come back. Apply your brain and intelligence to grab whatever comes on your way. Remember 'work' is always a blessing. Not everyone is blessed enough to win and prove. May the new fellow be you to set an example before others and sustain the charisma of course and career! ALL THE BEST!!